본문 시작
2022-1학기 교토첨단과학대학 교환학생 제출자료 (1)
- 대외협력처
- 영어권
- 조회 : 10075
- 등록일 : 2021-10-15
② 2022春_募集要項(日本語版).pdf ( 223 kb)
③健康診_書フォ_ム.pdf ( 331 kb)
④交換留_生アパ_トリスト.pdf ( 178 kb)
⑤ 2022 日本への出入__及び日本語_習_報告書.xls ( 54 kb)
This is Sophie Shibata from the KUAS International Office. We hope this email finds you well.
Please find attached the application guidelines and documents for the student exchange program for the spring semester of 2022. The deadline for applications is Monday, November 15, 2021.
Attached Documents
① Application guidelines (English)
② Application guidelines (Japanese)
③ Medical certificate (Japanese/English)
④ Apartment list for exchange students (Japanese only)
⑤ Report of educational background in Japanese and entry record (Japanese/English)
⑥ Application for admission to Kyoto University of Advanced Science (Japanese/English)
Despite the difficulties we are all still facing due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we remain optimistic and are looking forward to receiving your applications.
Please note that as stated in the application guidelines, depending on the situation regarding COVID-19, the student exchange program for the spring semester of 2022 may be cancelled.
KUAS is planning to make an official decision on whether or not to implement the program in mid-January 2022 at the latest. Rest assured we will contact you as soon as a formal decision has been made.
- 담당부서 : 국제교류팀
- 담당자 : 이흥기
- 연락처 : 043-649-1182
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26