본문 시작
[호남사범대학]2021-2학기 해외파견 교환학생 자료 제출 안내
- 대외협력처
- 중국
- 조회 : 7572
- 등록일 : 2021-04-07
Nomination letter template.docx ( 14 kb)
헝栗죕鬧雷慤淃 Notes on application materials.pdf ( 1,882 kb)
棍벌훙竟목쇱꿴깊-Foreigner Physical Examination Form.pdf ( 91 kb)
붙임자료를 확인해주세요.
Hunan Normal University Department of International Exchange and Cooperation Room 227A, International Students Admission Office Hunan Normal University 36 Lushan Rd Changsha, Hunan 410081 P.R.
China Tel: 86-731-88872992 Fax: 86-731-88872044
E-mail: study@hunnu.edu.cn
Exchange students quota: Indicated in MOU or Students Exchange Agreement
Application deadline: For 2021 Fall Semester (Sept 2021-Jan 2022): Jun 15, 2021 For 2022 Spring Semester (Feb 2022-July 2022): Nov 30, 2021 Application documents
1.Nomination letter from home university
2.A copy of the passport information page
3.Foreign physical examination form
4.Certification of current enrollment and official transcripts from home university
5.Certificate of non-criminal record
6.ID photo
7. HSK4 certificate and specific study plan (for students who apply specific majors only)
Application procedure:
1. Prepare the application paperwork.
2. Complete online application through http://www.studyinhnnu.cucas.cn/ before the deadline.
3. Issue JW202, admission letter (VISA applications) and registration.
Language requirements: No language requirements for Chinese language course applicants. Students who want to study in specific majors shall provide HSK4 (or above) certificate and study plan.
Expenses and Accommodation
Accommodation: On-campus dorm (double room, 600 Yuan/month/person) .
Academic expenses: There are no tuition fees to be paid to HNNU by exchange students.
Health insurance: All exchange students are required to obtain the insurance coverage. Standard: 400Yuan/half year 800Yuan/year
Estimated living expenses: Students may expect to spend between 50-70 Yuan per day on food etc.
Visa requirements: Students shall go the Chinese embassy to apply for X visa (with JW202 and Admission letter) X1 -- study time in China is more than 180 days. X2 -- study time in China is less than 180 days.
Airport pick-up: Pick-up service will be provided.
Note: Students are required to bring original papers of check to register
- 담당부서 : 국제교류팀
- 담당자 : 이흥기
- 연락처 : 043-649-1182
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26