본문 시작
소치주립대학교 제출서류 목록
- 심유진
- 조회 : 8205
- 등록일 : 2017-04-11
1. Application form + 1 photo (attached to the form) : 지원서 (사진을 반드시 부착하여야 함)
NOTE: Please indicate the information of the city where you’re going to get your visa. There should be an Embassy or Consulate of Russian Federation in this city. Also please inform us about your full address, including postal code and contact phone number.
2. CV (첨부파일 참고하여 영문으로 작성)
3. Letter of motivation (in English or Russian) explaining your primary reasons for studying at SSU and what you hope to gain from this experience. ( 자기소개서: 지원사유 및 이프로그램을 통해 얻고 싶은 것들을 기술하면되고 자유형식으로 하되 제목은 ' Letter of Motivation'으로 함
4. Recommendation letter from the departmental coordinator. : 추천서 세명대학교에서 작성할 예정임
5. Transcript of Records from the home university. : 성적증명서 영문
6. A clear scan copy of your passport.: 여권사본
7. Expenses compensation agreement is an essential part of a student’s application. (Print out the form, fill it in, sign, scan and send to: interorg@sutr.ru). : 비용 보상동의서
8. Academic program selection (Learning Agreement) signed by the home university academic advisor. : 세명대학교 교환학생 담당선생님의 서명이 들어간 프로그램 선정
9. Application form for the Official Invitation (you will need these documents for Visa application and appointment at the RF Embassy or Consulate).
10. A clear scan copy of your student's card (or any confirmation that you are student of home University) : 학생증 스캔본
11. A clear scan copy of International health insurance with a signature and a stamp. : 국제보험 증권
- 담당부서 : 국제교류팀
- 담당자 : 이흥기
- 연락처 : 043-649-1182
- 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26