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[말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르대학] 2025-1학기 해외파견 교환학생 자료

  • 대외협력처
  • 조회 : 492
  • 등록일 : 2024-10-24


[말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르대학]

Institutes | UniKL ◀ 캠퍼스 확인

(MIIT , BIS 중 선택 가능)

◇ 신청 마감일: 11월 30일

마감기한 내에 붙임 파일을 참고하여 신청하시기 바랍니다.

※ [붙임] 파일 반드시 확인

[ 파견교 안내 사항 ]

Dear Student,


Greetings from UniKL International Office.


You have been nominated by your home university for your exchange semester at UniKL.


Kindly complete your online application here by November 30, 2024, and ensure you include the required documents endorsed by your home universityApplications submitted with blank documents and without endorsement from your home university will not be accepted.

You may also find attached  the Learning Agreement Form and declaration form in this emailed that you have to fill in and get your university approval.

Attached you may find the Application Guide for your reference.

Important Notice! Please ensure you read all the information thoroughly, as it is vital for international students at UNIKL.


You can check list of courses here



Academic Calendar: (MAC 2025 - AUGUST 2025). The actual date is yet to be confirmed pending senate approval

Application deadline: 1 NOVEMBER 2024 - 30 NOVEMBER 2024

The offer letters will be generated between DECEMBER 14th, 2024, and DECEMBER 25th, 2024.

*We warmly welcome those who exhibit a positive attitude and respect for each other, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity. All students are required to follow the rules and regulations of Universiti Kuala Lumpur. We will not tolerate any disrespectful behavior or violations of the established rules. Legal action may be taken against any student who breaches university policies or Malaysian laws.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need further information.


Thank you.

 ※ 신청 완료 후, 교환학생 오픈채팅에 신청 내역 스크린샷 전송  

◇ 비자 발급 후,  비자 및 항공권 국제교류처 이메일 제출(intl@semyung.ac.kr)

  ※ 메일 발송 후 수신 여부 통화 

◇ 문의처:  국제교류팀 (043-649-1184, 1183)

오픈채팅: 2025-1학기 해외파견 교환학생_쿠알라룸푸르대학 / 비밀번호: 국제교류처 문의

오픈채팅 링크: https://open.kakao.com/o/g60gafWg

  • 담당부서 : 국제교류팀
  • 담당자 : 이흥기
  • 연락처 : 043-649-1182
  • 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26
만족도 조사 이 페이지에서 제공하는 정보에 대하여 만족하시나요?
